XDA Basics: How to screenshot on iPhone with a double back-tap

XDA Basics: How to screenshot on iPhone with a double back-tap

When someone says screenshot on iPhone, the first thing that comes to mind is holding two buttons together. On older iPhones, it’s the Home and Power buttons, while newer, Face ID ones use the Side Button and Volume Up combination. On Macs, the process is a bit more complicated, but we’ve got you covered. While iOS is a simpler OS than macOS, it still has some features that power users tend to love. You’re not limited to holding two keys to take a screenshot on an iPhone, so here are the steps you need to follow to execute it with a double back-tap.

How to screenshot on iPhone with a double back-tap

XDA Basics: How to screenshot on iPhone with a double back-tap

Personally, I’m a big fan of this feature because it allows me to take a screenshot even if I’m using my phone with one hand. When the feature was in beta testing, it used to be too sensitive and get triggered randomly. However, it’s now reliable — at least for me — and I never find myself accidentally taking screenshots through back-taps. It’s also a great feature to enable on an elderly person’s phone if they struggle with key combinations. A double back-tap is as easy and convenient as it gets. After all, it’s an accessibility feature, so it is meant to make things easier for those who find the regular method difficult to execute.

Will you be enabling this screenshot shortcut? Let us know in the comments section below.